Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research

BIOEF, set up by the Basque Government's Ministry for Health in 2002, takes part in the development of plans, programs or strategic initiatives, promotes the gradual structuring of Health´s R&D&I and its professional management, disseminates the results of these activities and values them, triggers transfer and exploitation of results, and supports the Ministry for Health and Basque Public Health Service-Osakidetza in R&D&I. In addition, BIOEF is responsible for the development of several programs and lines of action included in the Research and Innovation Strategy in Health 2020 and acts as technical secretary, besides being directly involved as an agent, for the RIS3 Euskadi in the Bioscience-Health area.

BIOEF has a transversal role throughout the whole value chain of R&D&I, and plays a key role in the public-private partnership relationship and international collaboration. Besides that, the Foundation coordinates the INNOSASUN program which supports mechanisms through which the Basque Public Health System articulates the interaction with the business sector, responding to the needs in innovation. INNOSASUN gives ad hoc support to the companies, mainly SMEs, through the know-how and extensive collaborative network of the health system that acts as an open innovation ecosystem as a real testing lab or living lab. In fact, the network is formed by highly skilled professionals of Osakidetza adscribed to Health Research Institutes (HRI), and the Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (Osteba) of the Ministry for Health.

TBMED´s Clinical Proof of Concept (CPoC) will be carried out in hospitals of Osakidetza involving medical staff which combine their care work with R&D&i activities and take part of a specific research groups of the HRIs. The three HRIs (Biocruces-Bizkaia, Biodonostia and Bioaraba) have their clinical Research Units (CRUs) which also will support the development of the project. CRUs will develop its activity into a network, under the BIOEF´s coordination for the multicentre CPoC studies. In addition, the network counts with Osteba which works in close collaboration with epidemiology research units and the Drug Information Centre of the Basque Country and Coordinates the Spanish new and emerging health technologies/Early Awareness and Alert network. Besides, it has good experience in quality management, health technology assessment and Clinical Practice Guidelines.

In TBMED, BIOEF (including HRIs and Osteba) contributes their expertise with regard to health technology assessment, clinical counseling and execution of CPoC studies.

Team members

Photo of Xabier Elcoroaristizabal Martín
Xabier Elcoroaristizabal Martín
Team Leader
Photo of Lorea Mendoza Arteche
Lorea Mendoza Arteche
Deputy Team Leader

Partner information

Torre Bec
Azkue Kalea, 1
48902 Barakaldo