Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale

The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) founded in 1964 is a public scientific and technological institute which operates under the joint authority of the French Ministry of Health and Ministry of Research. As the only French public research institute focusing entirely on human health, INSERM took on the responsibility for the strategic, scientific and operational coordination of biomedical research in 2008

INSERM’s Laboratory for Vascular Translational Science, U1148 headed by D. Letourneur is a research structure of 240 persons. LVTS focuses on innovative strategies for diagnosis, imaging and therapies. It combines the efforts of MDs, scientists and engineers to answer biological questions, to promote new therapeutics, and participate in the training of students and dissemination. The Laboratory has expertise in polymer chemistry, nanoparticles, tissue engineering, molecular imaging, human tissue pathology & cell biology, platelets, biochemistry of proteases, and experimental animal models. In particular, the Laboratory has developed a strong expertise in innovative 3D porous biocompatible matrices. Three-dimensional scaffolds provide an optimum microenvironment for cell growth and tissue regeneration. The scaffold is designed to provide an initial support for cell adhesion and a structural framework for cells to organize and assemble into functional tissue. From 2008, the Laboratory has worked on a combination of natural polysaccharides (pullulan and dextran) for tissue engineering combined with hydroxyapatite particles as porous materials for bone tissue regeneration and has 4 patents and > 25 publications in this domain.

INSERM has developed a strong partnership with SILAB to produce the 3D scaffolds under ISO 13485 conditions. This medical device, named GlycoBone®, was under industrial co-development by INSERM/SILAB and was introduced in clinical practice in the course of TBMED.

As a partner in TBMED, INSERM was involved in the synthesis of 3D porous materials as implantable Medical Devices, their scale-up and characterization. They performed efficacy studies in vitro and in pre-clinical models.

Team members

Partner information

46 rue H Huchard
X Bichat Hospital
75018 Paris